Music Ground Entertainment is a company that help establish new artist, get discovered through our promotional & marketing services. Radio Play & Digital Distribution
We use Social Media Campaigns targeting Ads, and also provide a wide range of Digital Broadcasting Services via Online Radio Stations. We want to hear your songs!
Digital online radio for internet distribution and syndicated radio networks. Music Ground allows independent artists of all genres to submit their material for radio release. We do not take ownership of the songs submitted. Songs are for marketing and promotional purposes only. We reserve the right to remove any song from our site if it does not meet our company's standards.
Please review our Privacy Policy before submitting your song/s.
All submissions must not exceed 5 mins in length. Songs that are not properly mixed will not be suitable for radio play. Submit MP3 Format only! Ex: ARTIST NAME - SONG TITLE.mp3
If you want to listen to the Live Station we recommend you navigate our music stations using this link music here.
To Access the Full Radio Station Click Here and Navigate Tool
All songs must be 192kbps recommended 320kbps